Changemakers - Fark Yaratanlar
Fark Yaratanlar


Meet Changemakers who choose to be part of the solution to an existing problem, who demonstrate an example for an active citizen, who create innovative solutions for a concrete and sustainable change, who make social contributions with measurable effects, and who inspire others with their stories.
Social Justice
Murat Kefeli - Körüz Biz

Onur Kahvecioğlu - Müzikist

Rumeysa Çevlik - Doğadaki Sınıf

Social Justice
Zülal Tannur - From Your Eyes

Social Justice
Seda Fırın - Kekele TV

Social Justice
Dilek Demir - Neighborhood Head of Muradiye in Bağlar, Diyarbakır

Living with Allergy Association

The Living with Allergy Association operates to defend the rights of allergy patients, to communicate their problems to the relevant authorities and to find solutions together.

Economic Development
Bedriye Berber Engin

Bedriye Berber Engin and other women villagers started to sell their products in the local bazaars.

Civic Participation
Center for Spatial Justice (MAD)

The Center is working on gathering urban planners, architects, social scientists, journalists to develop participatory urban planning and implementations that consider social, environmental and human rights.

Informal Learning Youth Center (YAŞÖM)

Informal Education Youth Center, YAŞÖM, was founded by a group of young people mentored by Hülya Denizalp in 2011.

Şehrine Ses Ver

For more livable cities...

Living Museum

Turkey's first applied open-air museum: Living Museum

Earth Association

Sustainable, ecological, joyful living

Social Justice

DemGoodCoffee blends deaf and hearing-impaired culture with coffee culture

Tics and Tourette Syndrome Volunteers of Turkey

A support mechanism for families, a common platform for sharing experiences

Social Justice
Co-Pedal Association

Co-Pedal Association provides physical and social rehabilitation for the disabled and creates companionship among persons with and without disabilities through using tandem bikes.

Fatma Ayan

Turkey’s first open-air library has been opened with the efforts of Fatma Ayan, a teacher with 20 years of experience.

Social Justice
Ayşe Tükrükçü

A bowl of soup, a hope...

Social Justice

LİSTAG was established in January 2008 in İstanbul as a civil society organization by the families of LGBTI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people.

Social Justice

SineMASAL team, under the leadership of Enes Kaya, started their work by exploring 69 villages of Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia.

Social Justice
Umut Koşan

A Man Who Follows His Dreams

Salih Yüce

Salih Yüce works to raise awareness on cancer by establishing the “Help and Love Association for Cancer Patients”.

Social Justice
Lütfiye Kelleci Birer

Story Of The Effort To Make Obstacles Invisible

Social Justice
Sami Altunel

A New Door From İzmir Into A Different World

Social Justice
Galata Dialogue Association

Be Ready To Forget What You Know In The Pitch Dark

Selçuk Var

Selçuk Var Motivates Teachers through Theater

Zekeriya Ersoy

Zekeriya Ersoy Makes Education Accessible to Village Children

Civic Participation
Selim Çavuş

Inspired by a think tank in the United States, Çavuş established the "Thought Association" in Istanbul in 2007.

Kenan Zülaloğlu

Education For Young People with Hearing Impairments

Economic Development
Hüsamettin Koçan

Hüsamettin Koçan Created a Museum to Revitalize the Local Economy

Social Justice
Bener Erkorur

Bener Erkorur Trains Athletes with Autism

Social Justice
Şaban Tören

Şaban Tören Makes a Difference in Children's Lives with Art

Economic Development
Victor Ananias

Victor Ananias Works for a More Ecologically Balanced Turkey

Economic Development
Berrin Yıldız & Murat Sarıkaya

Berrin Yıldız and Murat Sarıkaya Promote Cultural Tourism in Cappadocia

Civic Participation
Alper Kaya

Alper Kaya Strives to Raise Public Awareness about ALS and Help Patients


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